Sexual dysfunctions stand for difficulties encountered during
any stage of the sexual act - including arousal, desire, orgasm and resolution -
which interfere in the individual or couple's enjoyment of sexual activity. The
causes of a sexual dysfunction can be psychological, physical or both. Stress,
guilt, depression, past sexual traumas, anxiety and some medications, drugs and
illnesses contribute to these dysfunctions, as inadequate physical activities,
smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
Usually its symptoms are inability to feel aroused, lack of
interest or desire in sex, pain during intercourse, inability to attain or
maintain erection in men, as absence of ejaculation or inability to control its
timing. Common sexual dysfunctions in women are difficulty in attaining orgasm,
inadequate vaginal lubrication preceding and during intercourse and inability to
relax vaginal muscles.
According to American health studies, eighty percent of
erectile-dysfunction cases are linked to vascular disease, diabetes, kidney
disease and chronic alcoholism. About 60 percent of men who have had a heart
attack or open-heart surgery also expected to become impotent. The success of
Viagra and other medicaments proved that many erectile disorders in men may be
primarily physical, but its use can hide serious problems like certain diseases.
Hormonal deficiencies, like low estrogen, androgens or
testosterone, as physiologic changes of menopause, aging and pregnancy, also can
result in a sexual dysfuntion. The treatment varies according to the cause of
dysfunction. Keeping drugs and alcohol abuse at bay aids to prevent sexual
problems, as review all medications and be informed about possible side effects
related to sexual dysfuntion. Couples also need to talk honestly about their
sexual preferences and feelings to avoid uncomfortable situations.
Women with lack of vaginal lubrication may be helped with
lubricating gels and, in case of menopause, with hormone replacement therapy. In
cases of lack of arousal and anorgasmia, people can use erotic-ridden assets,
eliminate routine and enhance stimulation, like including masturbation with
prolonged stimulation in the intercourse. If none of these works, physical and
psychological therapy may be necessaries. Any kind of medicament against sexual
dysfunctions should not be taken whithout the doctor's consent.