Responsibility of a sexual abuse is of the abuser
always. Distinction between the legal definition of responsibility and the
psychological definition of the abuse is generally misunderstood. There are two
kinds of active participation.
-The great majority of the sexually abused children plays no
active role in the start of the abuse, but every child takes part on the abusive
interaction, even when compelled against his/her will.
-Sometimes , when sexual abuse includes no physical violence,
the victim may “learn to enjoy” the sensations caused by the sex abuse, once her
erogenous zones are stimulated, resulting some pleasure from it – this does not
disqualify the sex abuse !!
On legal side, to search for a rape exam is highly recommended.
A collection of forensic evidences including skin, hair, sperm, lint, saliva,or
anything that may help to identify the DNA of the aggressor. Is very important
do not to change clothes, or do a shower before running up tests. Those
evidences may be of later use, and could be decisive to place in jail the sexual
The attacker must be arrested, no matter how distressed it
leaves you. Is the only way to prevent him from being on the loose again and
keep at bay felony of this nature. Remember that any sexual intent against your
consent, whether fondling or else is derogatory. It doesn’t matter if you were
drunk or under the effect of other recreational drugs, it’s still always a crime