Sexual abuse is characterized by the involvement of
children or/and adolescents in inappropriate sex activities to their sexual
Sexual abuse practice results in a discomfort &
rage, producing among the most pacific citizens a feeling of great anger because
the impotence that this kind of violence inspires
Sexual abuse always is an aggression, though it may be
classified in categories:
- Sensorial abuses, including exhibitionism, pornography; abuse
by stimulation; - Sexual abuse with intimate caresses as genital contacts,
masturbation; - Sexual abuse by accomplishment; - Sexual abuse with
violation with genital, oral or anal penetration; - Sexual abuse with
sexualized language.
Sexual abuse can also be classified as inter family
abuseand non-family abuse.
Sexual abuse reports demonstrate that family members or
people who generally share the trust of the family most frequently practice it.
but, sex abuse of adolescent is generally practiced by unknown people.
Sexual abuse by a family member of the victim it is
called incest.