To begin with, in order to come out of the closet, first
thing to know is whether you are gay or plain homosexual.
Sometimes there may not be that easy to perceive your own homosexuality.
Of course, there would be signs you'd get, as for instance, if you are fond
of gay sex movies, gay sex pictures, gay sex videos, gay
sex chat room, gay phone sex, or gay sex sites. But these are
just indications, not a definite proof, that you are gay.
This period comes surrounded by doubts and fears, particularly
in puberty. But once your mind is made up, it's time to decide whether you're
coming out or not, the pros and cons, which is no easy task as well. Since it's
your life that's on the stake, you should think what's best for you alone. If a
gay sex life is what you're up to, this is what is going to make you
happy go for it, take your stance. If suppressing your will power would render
you frustrated, come out of the closet! However, if you think that it
would ok to lead a secret sex life that no deterrents will crop out from it,
psychological harms mostly, live up your gay sex orientation the way you
consider the most appropriate for you and your sexual circumstances. Remember,
regardless of choice making, there will be you who suffer the consequences for
your gay sex choice. If you can handle them, this is so because you made
the right decision for your gay sexual way of life.
In order to make people accept your gay sexual conduct,
you have to accept yourself as a person who is gay. To come to terms with
the fact that there is no such a thing as option making, but something innate,
something natural then, an important step towards self acceptance. Only then,
you would be ready to have people's respect towards your gay sex
You have to evaluate possible consequences of your coming out
gay attitude on your personal and professional life. Above all, you have
to hold accountable how your family would react faced up to such a revelation.
Many people tend to get offended by this gay conduct, as cultural. That's
the reason why is so difficult for peers of someone actually gay, parents
mostly, to accept in the first place that there is someone in the family who is
all out gay, and yet, his/her positively gay attitude. To make
a public statement of your gay sexuality demands courage, maybe more
courage than a heterosexual would be capable of. But, again, this should not be
a rule to go by if you hold true that living a double standard gay
sexuality won't interfere in your social life and psychological well-being,
both sacred.