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    The origin of pornography is linked to artistic representations regarding the sex act- sculpture or pictorial representations, for instance. But though, historically, sex- as pleasurable as libidinous- has always been connected to prostitution, pornography has always been linked to the representation of sex-acts with prostitutes.
    Well, in rare societies of bygone eras could sexual pleasure be obtained with the wife, who would only serve for procreation. There shouldn't be forgotten that it is only at the end of twentieth century that the woman assumes a rather independent position in the occidental society.

    As a result, was accepted "pleasure" within marriage. In the past sexual pleasure was dissociated from matrimony. Given that the prostitutes carried out the duty of 'giving pleasure". Unfortunately still today, in certain societies macho-orientated and moralists, such behavior still persists.

    Hence, origins of pornography, as known nowadays, are strictly connected to prostitution. The word pornography bears Greek origins and would refer to the " treatises of prostitutes".

    There would be considered any given obscene material that would serve to induce sexual arousal. Whenever seeking the historical roots of prostitution, it is common place to come across with reference to priestess of ancient Greek -roman, or of other societies of the time.

    However, it is impossible to establish a parallel between the role of such priestess and the prostitutes of modern society. Such priestesses were women who played a symbolic key-role in certain religions.

    Their liaisons with certain men would correspond to the rituals and ceremonials by all means similar to prostitution, much as known today. The relationship with the priestesses would be interpreted as a holy act, in prize of Aphrodite, Venus or other deities.

    Sexual relations, according to age and culture of which being practiced, assume different significance. The attitude that certain community adopts in face of the sex act, ultimately would reflect their social standards. In other words, what may mean pornographic material in a certain society may not be so in other.

    The mystic-religious experience had paramount importance in ancient societies. The prostitutes of antiquity counted on official protection, would retain taxes and had have hierarchy, eligible to a certain status. Aphrodite and Venus were, in Greece and Rome, the protectors of love-making and prostitution. In several societies of antiquity was usual representing the sex act with sculptures and paintings. In most cases, such pieces of work were employed in religious and mystic ceremonies. Among the Hindus, the "column of Solanki" is such sculpture that ´portrays ritual of sensual women.

    The gap between pornography and religiosity has increased throughout the centuries. The painter Toulouse-Lautrec spent most part of his life in a Parisian brothel. His portraits of prostitutes depict scenes of their everyday life.

    The paintings of Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele, at the beginning of the twentieth century, are also considered extremely erotic. Some may call them pornographic.

    Nowadays pornography isn't necessarily linked to prostitution, although it is common place to see both instances associated. If in the past pornography would serve to represent the sex act, currently it assumes own life. Pornographic material broke into the consume market and generate substantial profits. Conversely, prostitution taps on pornography as means of media so promoting its services and attracting clientele.

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