Man Health Penis

Does masturbation affect penis enlargement?
Please note that masturbating before penis enlargement might make the head a bit sensitive, so it would probably be best to leave an hour or more after masturbating.
What is the PC muscle?
PC muscle stands for pubococcygeus muscle. It surrounds the penis, prostate and anus. It runs from the pubic bone to the tailbone in a figure eight around the genitals. It is also know as "love" muscle as it helps to control many aspects of sexuality. It plays a vital role in sexual response, the jolts and spasms of orgasm are actually caused by the involuntary contractions of the PC muscle.
Why is PC muscle so important?
It is a sad but true fact that 85% of all men cannot have intercourse longer than 3 minutes before ejaculating, due to an underdeveloped and weak PC muscle. To be able to control your ejaculation, you should have a strong PC muscle. Here are other benefits of well-developed PC muscle:
Development of a "muscular" looking penis.
Ability to achieve ROCK HARD erections anytime you wish.
Improved blood circulation for enhanced size, ability, and sensation.
Drastically improved sexual stamina. Increase in ejaculation volume and intensity. Improved urinary flow.
Ability to have many multiple orgasms without exhaustion.
How do I find my PC muscle?
An easy to find your PC muscle is, when urinating, stop the flow of urine without using your hands. Remember, it's not your anal sphincter or your abdominal muscles.
My penis is curved, can I fix that?
Yes, penis enlargement exercises can fix curves. Normal stretching will tend to do this, as one side of the penis is tighter than the other, which is what creates the curve, this side will automatically receive more stress and the curve should even out.
I think I have impotence. Do you have exercises to cure it?
Ejaculation control exercises can also cure impotence as well as many other sexual problems commonly associated with getting older. Again, remember that impotence and many other sexual problems come from having a very weak and poorly developed PC muscle.
I have achieved my target size, now what I need to do to ensure the gains I made stay permanent?
Congratulations, we know you worked hard for it. However, we recommend that you do a maintenance routine for 3 or 4 weeks to ensure that the gains you made stay permanent. This routine consists of the same exercises you do now, just done less frequently.
For example, you would only exercise for two or three days a week and would do the same exercises for about half the time you are currently doing them.
Your gains should be permanent but a quick stretch now and again and a jelq can not only retain your gains but also help with further gains. Remember keeping your PC muscle in shape is a must as well.
And finally, remember to share with us and others your results.

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